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Yay, You Got a Programmable Thermostat. Now What?

Woman regulating heating temperature with phone and thermostat at home

Congratulations on getting a programmable thermostat! This device can help you save money on your energy bills while keeping your home comfortable. But, what do you do now? Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your programmable thermostat.

First, remember that a programmable thermostat works best on a schedule. Set it to adjust the temperature when you’re not at home, so you’re not wasting energy. To save energy, set your temperature to 25.5°C or 78°F in the summer and 20°C or 68°F in the winter. But, don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time. Take note of when you need to adjust the temperature and use that to create the perfect schedule for your programmable thermostat.

Now, here are some tips to help you avoid making mistakes that can cost you money and to enjoy optimal comfort:

Once you find a temperature that works for you, stick to it. If you come back to find the house too hot or cold, resist the urge to crank the thermostat. Wait it out instead. Turning the thermostat up or down won’t make your house cool down or heat up any faster.

Instead of turning your thermostat on and off, adjust its schedule. Turning it on and off makes your system work longer and harder to heat or cool your home because it’s starting from scratch. In the summer, adjust the thermostat’s schedule as the months get hotter instead of turning it off to avoid creating a humidity problem in your home. In the winter, setback your temperature by up to 1 degree Celsius or two degrees Fahrenheit when you’re not at home.

Make sure your thermostat is installed in a neutral area, away from direct sunlight, drafts, and air vents. This will help it get a correct read of your home and keep it at the optimal temperature you’ve set.

If you’re having trouble with uneven heating or cooling throughout your home, it may not be fixed by changing the temperature one more time. A thermostat only controls when your heating or cooling system turns on and off, not how or where the air travels throughout the home. Consider calling an HVAC expert to evaluate your existing duct system and find the right solution.

Finally, plan ahead and program your thermostat. Creating a schedule will help you save energy and keep your home comfortable.

In conclusion, a programmable thermostat can make a big impact on your home comfort and energy bills. Remember to set it on a schedule, resist the urge to crank it up or down, adjust its schedule instead of turning it on and off, install it in a neutral area, and consider calling an HVAC expert if you’re having trouble with uneven heating or cooling. With these tips, you’ll be able to make the most of your programmable thermostat and enjoy optimal comfort in your home.

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