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Take a Deep Breath. It’s Time to Upgrade Your HVAC and Enjoy Cleaner, Safer Air.

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Breathe easy this winter with these tips for upgrading your HVAC system and improving the air quality in your home. As we spend more time indoors during the colder months, it’s essential to make sure that the air we breathe is clean and safe. Here are some ways to make it happen:

Install a HEPA air filtration system: A HEPA system can reduce the amount of particulates in the air, such as pollen, mold, cooking smoke, household dust, and bacteria. You can install a whole-home HEPA system that integrates into your heating and cooling system or buy a standalone unit. When shopping for a standalone unit, consider the cost of replacement filters, certifications, clean air delivery rate (CADR) rating, room size, and noise performance. Place the system in a spot where nothing obstructs airflow and remember to clean the filters regularly.

Consider a UV germicidal irradiation (UVGI) air purifier: This type of air purifier uses short-wave ultraviolet light to reduce pollutants in the air. The UV light deactivates airborne pathogens and microorganisms, making it effective in cleaning the air. You can integrate a UV light air purifier with your home’s heating and cooling system, and the air passes through UV lamps that directly disinfect the air for the entire home.

Install an electronically commutated motor (ECM) variable speed motor: If you need to replace your furnace, consider installing a model with an ECM variable speed motor. This energy-efficient unit can be set to run for longer periods of time to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the home. When the fan is in constant operation, the motor will continue to slowly circulate air, allowing your furnace filter to capture more contaminants and keep your unit clean and efficient. Combined with a HEPA air filter, your home’s air will be cleaner.

Install an air exchanger with a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or energy recovery ventilator (ERV): Homes with better air sealing and insulation have less air leakage, leading to a lack of fresh air being brought into the home. An HRV or ERV system removes stale and polluted air from the house to the outside and replaces it with an equal amount of fresh air, exchanging the air multiple times a day. During heating season, HRVs will also help warm the incoming air so your heating system doesn’t need to work as hard.

Sign up for routine duct cleaning service: A home’s ducting can collect dirt, dust, mold, pollen, and pet dander over time. Make sure to sign up for routine duct cleaning service to remove these allergy-aggravating contaminants.

By following these tips, you can upgrade your HVAC system and enjoy cleaner, safer air in your home this winter. Remember to maintain your systems regularly to ensure they continue to function properly and provide optimal air quality.

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