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Home Efficiency Tips

Expert tips to reduce your home energy consumption.

Learn how to be more energy efficient in and around your home with expert advice and energy-saving tips. Reduce your energy consumption and start saving.
So You Think You Can Repair: Electrical Edition

So You Think You Can Repair: Electrical Edition

Thinking about tackling an electrical repair in your home? Before you dive in, there are a few things you should consider. Electrical projects c...

Plumbing Problems: When to DIY and When to Call a Pro

Plumbing Problems: When to DIY and When to Call a Pro

Plumbing problems can be a headache for homeowners. While some issues may seem simple enough to fix, others can be more complex and require the ...

Winterizing Tips to Protect your Home and Save Money

Winterizing Tips to Protect your Home and Save Money

Winter is fast approaching, and it's time to start thinking about preparing your home for the colder months ahead. Taking a few simple steps now...

Take a Deep Breath. It’s Time to Upgrade Your HVAC and Enjoy Cleaner, Safer Air.

Take a Deep Breath. It’s Time to Upgrade Your HVAC and Enjoy Cleaner, Safer Air.

Breathe easy this winter with these tips for upgrading your HVAC system and improving the air quality in your home. As we spend more time indo...

New Home, New You, and New HVAC Responsibilities

New Home, New You, and New HVAC Responsibilities

Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it's important not to overlook the essential maintenance tasks that come with it. Here are a few thi...

Yay, You Got a Programmable Thermostat. Now What?

Yay, You Got a Programmable Thermostat. Now What?

Congratulations on getting a programmable thermostat! This device can help you save money on your energy bills while keeping your home comfortab...

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