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Home Efficiency Tips

African American Man changing light bulb

So You Think You Can Repair: Electrical Edition

Thinking about tackling an electrical repair in your home? Before you dive in, there are a few things you should consider. Electrical projects can be complex, and even seemingly simple tasks can quickly become dangerous if not handled pro...

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Traditional brick house with wood grain front door and snow covered shrubbery

Winterizing Tips to Protect your Home and Save Money

Winter is fast approaching, and it's time to start thinking about preparing your home for the colder months ahead. Taking a few simple steps now can help you save money on your heating bills, avoid costly repairs, and ensure your home is ...

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Hanging Picture Together

New Home, New You, and New HVAC Responsibilities

Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it's important not to overlook the essential maintenance tasks that come with it. Here are a few things you should add to your to-do list to ensure a fresh start in your new home. First and f...

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Woman regulating heating temperature with phone and thermostat at home

Yay, You Got a Programmable Thermostat. Now What?

Congratulations on getting a programmable thermostat! This device can help you save money on your energy bills while keeping your home comfortable. But, what do you do now? Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your programma...

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